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20241128 - Use libpg-query for PostgreSQL SQL Parsing


  • Proposed
  • Accepted
  • Rejected
  • Deprecated
  • Superseded


We needed a robust and efficient SQL parser for PostgreSQL to integrate into our system. Several parsing options were evaluated, including Azimutt, ANTLR, and libpg-query. While each had its advantages, we prioritized parsing accuracy, performance, and maintainability.


We chose to use pg-query-emscripten, which is a WebAssembly-compiled version of libpg-query. This decision was based on the following factors:

Parsing Speed: Benchmarks showed that libpg-query (including its WebAssembly variant) outperformed alternatives like ANTLR in terms of parsing speed.

PostgreSQL Compatibility: Since libpg-query is based on PostgreSQL's internal parser, it provides the highest accuracy and support for PostgreSQL-specific syntax and extensions.


Positive Impacts

  • High Accuracy: Ensures correct parsing of PostgreSQL-specific syntax.
  • Performance: Faster than alternatives, reducing query parsing overhead.
  • Lightweight & Portable: WebAssembly eliminates the need for native binaries.

Negative Impacts

  • Limited to PostgreSQL: Unlike ANTLR, which supports multiple SQL dialects, libpg-query is PostgreSQL-specific.
  • WebAssembly Dependency: Requires handling WebAssembly execution within our environment.

Neutral Impacts

  • Potential for Future Expansion: While ANTLR remains a viable option for broader SQL dialect support, libpg-query meets our immediate PostgreSQL needs effectively.

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