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Liam ERD Web

Liam ERD Web is an online tool hosted by @liam-hq that allows you to explore real-world ER diagrams without needing to install a CLI! 🛸💫

It enables you to view ER diagrams generated from publicly available schema files, such as db/schema.rb, prisma.schema, or SQL files derived from pg_dump.

How to Explore

Inserting liambx.com/erd/p/ into your browser's address bar will generate an ER diagram for your schema file.

Inserting Animation

For example, if the schema file you want to explore is hosted at the following URL:

# A public repo's schema file

You can generate an ER diagram by inserting liambx.com/erd/p/ into the URL:


It's so easy! Isn't it? 🚀

Tips & Tricks

Bookmarklet for Quick Access

You can create a bookmarklet to quickly open schema files in Liam ERD. Here's how:

  1. Create a new bookmark in your browser
  2. Set the following JavaScript code as the URL:
javascript:(function(){var u=window.location.href;var newUrl="https://liambx.com/erd/p/" + u.replace(/^https?:\/\//, '');window.open(newUrl,'_blank');})();

Now, when viewing a schema file (like schema.rb) on GitHub, simply click the bookmarklet to open it directly in Liam ERD! 🎯

Appendix: Schema Format Options

Schema Format

Liam ERD automatically detects the schema format (see Format Auto-Detection). If needed, you can override the detected format using the format query parameter:


For more details about format detection and supported formats, check /docs/parser/supported-formats.

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