ER Diagrams,
Reinvented for Simplicity.
For Private Projects
Set up in your local environment or CI/CD pipelineVIEW DOCUMENTnpx @liam-hq/cli init
Quick View
Instantly visualize any SQL schemaVIEW DOCUMENTEffortless clarity for complex databases through interactivity.
With Liam ERD, visualize and navigate complex database schemas effortlessly.
Interactive tools like zooming, filtering, and relationship highlighting make understanding your data intuitive, even for large-scale projects.
Seamless Collaboration with Sharable Insights.
Effortlessly share ER diagrams tailored to your team's needs.
With features like filtering and relationship highlighting, Liam ERD lets you focus on the exact details that matter.
Use precise shareable links to guide discussions, onboard new members, or streamline database design workflows.
CI/CD-Friendly and Always Up-to-Date documentation.
Liam ERD simplifies documentation with an intuitive setup process and automated updates.
Integrated seamlessly into CI/CD pipelines, it ensures your ER diagrams stay synchronized with every database change, providing your team with always-accurate, up-to-date insights.